Ss Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Ben Lomond, California
/ Ministries / INFO ABOUT MINISTRIES / Brochure of Ministries
List of All Ministries


The 2019 Parish Ministry Group Brochure has been distributed to every parishioner's Fellowship Hall boxes, more are available from the church office, extras are in the Narthex as well as on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board and it can be seen here.


Currently, there are fourteen Ministries that have active pages on our website.  More pages will be available as the ministries get set up.

Sanctuary Cleaning Ministry

Room Use Ministries

Events Ministry / Feast Day Celebrations

Coffee Hour

Men's Group

Women's Book Study

Antiochian Women's Group

Holy Bread Bakers

Parish Council


Property Maintenance

Liturgical Decorating


Fellowship Hall



Ministries using time and talents to serve the church

Sanctuary Cleaning Ministry (link)
Provide a clean sanctuary and narthex for church services

Room Use Ministry (link)
To oversee and assist with care and general management of high-use areas (inside/outside) in order to provide useful and pleasant areas for parish activities.  Each area will need a go-to person(s)
Fellowship Hall 
Nursery room
Decorating Supply Room

Coffee Hour Ministry (link)
Manage Weekly lists, send out reminders to parishioner teams. Teams provide coffee and snacks on Sunday after liturgy to encourage fellowship

Kindness Ministry (link)
To help those within our parish who are in need--physically/emotionally/spiritually
     New mothers: arrange for meals, child care
     Sick and Shut-ins: visit, transportations, meals

To provide a pictorial documentation of parish events and history

Auxiliary Ministry
Provide information and guidance for people using the church for sacramental services; be a liaison for the church to explain Orthodox/parish practices


Ministries to strengthen, encourage, and educate the parish in the Orthodox faith

Spiritual Growth and Education Ministry
Catechism Ministry

Book Studies Ministry
Men’s Reading Group (link)
Women’s Book Study (link)

Bookstore Ministry
Provide books and icons for the edification of parishioners and visitors

Church Day Camp Ministry
To educate parish youth (5 to 10 yrs.) while providing a fun week and helping them forge an Orthodox identity

Sunday School Ministry
Provide education of the Orthodox faith for grades K through High school

Retreats & Conferences Ministry
To invite and promote special speakers throughout the church year on spiritual topics meant to enhance the spiritual life of the parish as well as assist in the hosting of special diocese events
Fall Gathering


Ministries to build community and fellowship within our church family as well as neighbors and others

Community Outreach Ministry
Identify the needs of our local & diocesan community and provide ways for our parish to help those in need
Canned Food Drives throughout the year
Food for Hungry People boxes
Community Dinners

Events Ministry(link)
Feast Day Ministry- 12 Feasts

Special Events Ministry:
Breaking of the Fasts: Christmas Eve, Pascha Eve
Nativity Dinner Celebration
St. Nicholas Night
Harvest Festival/Party
Ss Peter and Paul Feast Day
Lenten Meals after presanctified liturgies during Lent           

Seasonal Fellowship Hall Decorating
To beautify our parish facilities by setting up/taking down seasonal decorations in a timely manner throughout the year

Fellowship and Social Events Ministry
Family Nights
Summer BBQs
Neighborhood Gatherings

Young Adults Ministry

Youth Group Ministry

Men’s Group Ministry (link)
In Acts 2:42 Saint Luke describes four activities of the thriving early church in these words: "And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' teaching and fellowship and the breaking of bread and prayers."  This ministry offers men good opportunities and/or encouragment to enter more fully into these four aspects of Orthodox Christian life in collaboration with other men.

Antiochian Women’s Group Ministry (link)
An official organization of the archdiocese that brings the women together for prayer, charitable works and mutual support to fulfill our calling in Christ to serve others.


Ministries to coordinate serving within the sanctuary

Altar Service Ministry
Provide for the care and cleaning of the altar as well as ordering liturgical supplies

Altar Boys Ministry
Provide training and scheduling for serving during services; provide for the repair, cleaning, ordering new robes        

Myrrh-bearers Ministry

Chanters Ministry

Liturgical Readers Ministry

Choir Ministry

Liturgical Help Ministry
Provide general assistance to the priest as needed, such as: assisting during communion

Liturgical Decorating  (link)
Provide for the appropriate adornment of the sanctuary using Orthodox guidelines
Liturgical Flowers Ministry
Christ’s Tomb (bier) Ministry

Welcoming Ministry (link)
Greeting and guiding guests in the church to the best possible experience, inviting guests to Coffee Hour after church, following up with guests, linking new parish members with Ss Peter and Paul communications

Holy Bread Bakers Ministry (link)

Icon Care Ministry
Provide for the correct care and cleaning of icons as well as help with purchasing new

Bell Ringing Ministry



Ministries to care for the practical matters of the church and its functioning

Church Office Ministry
Provide for management of the office, oversight of employees as well as office support volunteers

Communication Ministry
Provide communications to inform parishioners through website, social media, bulletins, calendar, newsletter. Through audio-visual provide audio of services, recording of homilies as well as videos of retreats/training      

Financial Management Ministry
Purchasing Provide for appropriate & coordinated management / purchase of general supplies
Special collections Be responsible for Archdiocese collections as well as special parish needs
Tithe collection/counting Responsibly collect/record weekly donations (tithes, candles, alms)

Parish Council (link)

Stewardship Ministry
Promote stewardship - the sharing time, talent, and treasure – for the glory of God

Facilities Management and Growth 
Property Maintenance (link)
Future Facilities Planning

Provide for coordinated planting, organization and care of the grounds
     Professional Landscapers
     Volunteer gardeners Go-to group for pruning, weeding
Rental Ministry
Rental Houses
Renting of Facilities (Barn, parking lot, trailers)

Reverend Father Christopher Dillon, Pastor
Reverend Father George Washburn
Reverend Father John Christianson
Ss Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church

P.O. Box 458       
(9980 Highway 9)
Ben Lomond, CA 95005

Office Phone: (831) 336-2228
Office Email:

Fr. Christopher Email:

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