Ss Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Ben Lomond, California
/ About Our Parish / Arranging for Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care

Times for Confession:
Confessions are heard on Sunday mornings during Orthros prior to 9:15 am, before or after Vespers on Wednesday evenings (by appointment), on Saturday evenings following Compline, and by appointment during the week. If you desire to go to confession during Orthros, please send a message to one of the priests through one of the deacons.

Infant Baptism, Matrimony, and Adult Initiation:
Contact the Church Office, (831) 336-2228, and set up an appointment with Fr. Christopher to discuss the arrangements for these sacraments.

Pastoral Care of the Sick:
Please contact the Church Office, (831) 336-2228, with the names of the sick and hospitalized of the Parish so they can receive proper pastoral care.



Helpful Hints from the Pastor


Respect for Holy Vessels and Icons
Please wipe off lipstick/chapstick when kissing icons or receiving the Holy Eucharist out of respect for the holy vessels and icons.

 The Kiss of Peace is a liturgical, not a social action. When we come to the Kiss of Peace, greet the person to your left and to your right with a kiss (or a quick embrace) and the words “Christ is in our midst”. The reply is “He is and was and ever shall be.” Then be ready to continue with the recitation of the Creed. It is important that the prayer of the Church is not interrupted to greet those further away or for conversations that should rightly take place in the coffee hour room. Unfortunately, many Orthodox Churches do not celebrate the Kiss of Peace among the laity due to the fact that it can become a distraction from prayer. The Kiss of Peace is a beautiful liturgical action that should encourage one another on in our corporate prayer.

 In our congregational singing and recitation of prayers, please follow the choir or chanters at all times. As a member of a choir, one should always be able to hear the singers around them and the director. Please make sure that you are following those who bear the responsibility of leading the musical worship and not creating an echo, so that we sing together as One Body, to the Glory of the Head, Jesus Christ, His Father and the All Holy Spirit.


Revernd Father Christopher Dillon, Pastor
Reverand Father George Washburn
Ss Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church

P.O. Box 458       
(9980 Highway 9)
Ben Lomond, CA 95005

Office Phone: (831) 336-2228
Office Email:

Fr. Christopher Email:

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